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Monday, August 14, 2006

Art Jamming

This post is about me for a change.

Two weeks ago, our department had an offsite. While most people get to have offsites at exotic locations, since our department is mostly based in Singapore, we have to have ours here every year. Sigh...

So every year, the boss comes up with some novelty idea to 'spice' things up and encourage team bonding.

This year, it was to be
ART JAMMING! Sounded pretty cool and funky when I first heard about it but on second thought, it was like, damn, does this mean I have to draw something?

As my primary school art teacher Mr Goh would testify, especially after giving me a "D" for my hideous still life portrait of a banana, Art is so NOT my forte. I'm one of those people that loses constantly at Pictionary, you wouldn't want to be on my team.

On their website, it says:

To art jam, you need:

A desire to experiment (yes but hardly ever with paints)
An urge to create
(yes but never on canvas)
An ability to laugh (definitely but usually at how bad my art turns out to be)

Everyone is born to jam. Remember how you mashed porridge on the table?

I questioned the verity of this statement as I trudged along to the venue (couldn't back out, I tried - believe me).

Plus, the theme was to draw the most significant event in your life and explain it (to all the people you work with).

I took the easy way out and came up with this:

In case you were wondering, the one on the right is mine (yes, the one that looks like the Nickelodean symbol).

Here's what it's supposed to signify: the most significant moment in my life (to date) was giving birth to Alicia (hey, I thought this entry was about me!) but since it was a drug free (not by choice) birth, all I could remember is trying to shut out the pain by keeping my eyes shut all the time. (Hence, the black background)

The splotch of red is meant to be symbolic of the amount of haemoglobin that exited my body during the whole process. (eww....)

There you go.... my piece de resistance.


At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i somehow had the feeling that there was a "bloody" funny explanation behind your piece (de resistance)... good 'un!

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

this is not really helping me increase my desire to birth.....


At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice art! honest! now i'm curious about alicia's birth story.



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